Little howto to install LeapMotion PureData object created by Chikashi Miyama  on a Linux machine:


1-Download and install Flext: (e.g. in directory /path/to/flext)

2-Download and unpack LeapMotion SDK for Linux: (e.g. in directory /path/to/LeapSDK)

3-Download and unpack the source of the object: (e.g in directory /path/to/Pd_leapmotion).

4-Create a package.txt file in your Pd_leapmotion directory with the following content (the example is for a 64bit system)

NAME=leapmotion SRCDIR=.
Dispatcher.cpp INCPATH+= -I/path/to/LeapSDK/include 
LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/LeapSDK/lib/x64 -lLeap' 

5-From Pd_leapmotion directory, compile the code using flext:

$cd /path/to/Pd_leapmotion
$ bash ../flext/ pd gcc
$ bash ../flext/ pd gcc install

If the last command fails (e.g: permissions), copy  leapmotion.pd_linux file (created in flext release-single directory) to extra directory of PureData (e.g. /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra

6-Finally, we can use this object. We need to preload libleap if we don't have it installed, so we need to execute:

$LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/LeapSDK/lib/x64/ pdextended

7-To test it, we can open leapmotion-help.pd patch: