TuitSynth és un sintetizador basat en l'activitat al twitter d'un HashTag concret. Està basat en plataformes de Open Hardware: Una placa Arduino (+Ethernet Shield + MIDI Shield) consulta al twitter l'activitat d'un HT concret, processa la conslta, i envia via MIDI el control i notes a un sintetitzador Meeblip. PEr tant, la idea és generar música (o soroll) basada en l'activitat del twitter en temps real. Projecte per al Music Hack Day del Sónar 2012.


Hack page->


About the hack

The idea is transform the tweets containing HT #sonar2012 into sounds (or noise) in real time. It's a 100% Open Source Hardware ( ) project: an Arduino (with Ethernet Shield) gets the tweets from Twitter, converts them into MIDI Notes and MIDI Control Messages and sends them (via MIDI Shield) to MeeBlip synthesizer. So no computer is needed.


Source code and links

Source Code:


What APIs, tools or kit did you use?

Anything left to do

  • Improve the sounds generated by tweets
  • Control Meeblip Parameters via twitter messages.
  • Live Streaming of audio output.
  • Web page: streaming player, tweets TL and meeblip manipulation via twitter instructions.